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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

How to make your vagina smell freshy naturally

UDrink a lot of water

The vagina is said to be an “automatic self-

maintenance” body part and women are advised to

leave it as such. However, you can still help it carry

out this function more effectively if you are well

hydrated. Your vagina is a mucus surface, much like

your mouth, so it needs to be kept hydrated in the

same way. Drinking lots of water helps the vagina

carry out its cleansing process more efficiently thereby

maintaining an optimum health and smell.


Pineapples! They smell as good as they taste and

women of the internet have revealed that a healthy

intake of pineapples can significantly affect the smell

of the vagina. There is no particular research that

supports this but you can definitely give it go since

many have testified to the amazing benefits this fruit

has had on them.

Red meat

Eating red meat can make you sweat more and also

affect the smell of your lady bits. Like with other body

odour-enhancing foods, the results may manifest in

the sweat glands around your private parts. A normal

vagina is slightly acidic and food high in alkaline like

red meat can possibly affect the odour down there.Stay away from stinky foods

Foods such as garlic, asparagus, onions and mixed

spices should be avoided as much as possible if you

don’t want your lady bits smelling odd. The saying

“you are what you eat” applies to every inch of your


Dry properly before you wear your underwear

If possible, after taking your shower, your underwear

should be the last item to put on (make sure you

don’t walk out the door without it though!). It is

important the vagina dries properly before you cover it

up. Chances are it will be covered up for most of the

day so if not dried properly, could lead to discomfort

and emission of bad odour as a resut of dampness5 things to know if you want your vagina
smelling good
Every vagina has a certain odour and that is perfectly
normal. However, if the smell changes and becomes
very unpleasant, it may be because of certain habits
and practices you are into. Here are five ways to keep
your southern lady parts smelling igood.

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