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Friday, 28 October 2016

Why women say NO to men

annoying reasons behind a woman's NO

There is no being in the entire world who is as
devious as a woman. And I would know.
Give me an ear men. Have you ever come across this
lady and you just felt compelled to have her grace
your life? Because you knew if you got to know each
other, noodles will start tasting like spaghetti just
because she brings so much richness to your life?
Well, women encounter such men too..and land them
in a matter of hours. But for you men, before you can
even spend sometime in the friend zone, you are met
with a cold, hard, frozen NO.

Why do some women do that ish, though? Check out
some of the reasons off the top of my head ( take out
your pencils students because I am about to educate
1. String you along
If she knows you’re pretty stuck on her, she will keep
saying no just to string you along in the eventual case
she does say yes. In the meantime, you will be
relegated to her clubbing buddy,her movie buddy, her
shoulder to lean on etc.
This kind of no will be soft and accompanied by lots
of reasons of why she is not ready for a relationship
or to get intimate. It will never be harsh to shock you,
but sweet to keep you believing you still got a shot.

2. More time to study you
The only truth a man will ever tell a woman is his
name. And even that is debatable. It might be his
nickname or his fourth Christian name after his
fourth grandfather twice removed.
So a woman will tell you no, but still flirt with you as
she studies you. The real you. Do not be lulled into a
false sense of comfort thinking she has no clue about
She’s probably already snooped on you on social
media, checked out your relatives as well and seen
how the company you work for performs on a
quarterly basis in case you are to be her future ex-

3. Self-preservation
Saying yes at first question is the cheapest of all cheap
moves. So she will try her best to prolong everything
to appear classy, a pseudo-virgin and most of all,
After all, if Steve Harvey can advise women to wait
three months before getting down with a guy, who is
she to break the universal rule?
4. Manipulation
Saying NO gives her the opportunity to make sure the
guy goes above and beyond the call of duty to
recognize how worthy she is.
She will look forward to being flaunted to his friends,
become a testimony of decent girls who just don’t give
in and how she was “worth the wait”.

5. Play toy
Well, how else is she going to occupy her time? You
will not be friend zoned but will be a plan b in case
the guy she’s really after fails to notice her.

6. Pleasure
Girls love games. It makes her crazy with happiness
when a guy would move traffic and political
demonstrations just to please her.
She looks forward kubembelezwa with gifts, with road
trips etc. And who doesn’t like seeing a man squirm in
his shoes with all that pretense of being macho?
It has to be the highlight of a dating period, right?

7. Because she can
She knows she’s wanted. And for that she will want
further validation. Saying NO will be the measure of
seeing how the opposite sex perceives her. If she is
worth the time or he was just in it for a hit and run.
Plus, it’s her only safe word. That’s if she does not
have a black belt in karate.

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