5 Ways To Become Good At
Anything In Life
The five things I’m about to tell you about my
seem redundant or very similar in their qualities
but there is a huge difference in each that you
should be aware of. Having these five attributes
all at the same time will allow you to become
good at anything you want.
Want to make more money?
Want to succeed at virtually anything?
Want to become healthier?
Want to become smarter? Faster? Stronger?
It doesn’t matter what it is you’re trying to
because by knowing about and demonstrating
the five following activities you will make it your
bitch. You will completely own it and nothing
can stop you from doing so.
Definition: A strong desire for success
Synonyms: initiative, passion, determined,
enthusiastic, thirsty
What does it mean?
Ambition is an absolute starting requirement to
be good at anything. You have to want to become
successful at whatever it is. It doesn’t matter if
you follow the rest of the five things perfectly. If
you do not have ambition, you’ll never achieve
what you need to achieve.
Ever hear the saying, “Do what you love and
love what you do?”
There’s significance behind it. If you love what
you do, your heart is in it with you. When your
heart is in something it makes the rest of these 5
things come easy. If your heart isn’t in it, you’ll
find that no matter what you do, you have to
force yourself to be good at it.
No one likes being forced to do anything.
Without heart, you’ll end up hating what you do.
Definition: To set aside for special use
Synonyms: commit, devote
What does it mean?
Some people spend their entire lives dedicated to
the wrong thing, if you read about ambition you
would realize that the wrong thing means that
their heart wasn’t into it. Not only is this a
waste of your life, but it’s a waste to everyone
around you as well.
The factory worker that hates his job, while
dedicated to it, never has any heart in it, just
does the bare minimums to get by never really
excelling or adding benefit to what they do.
The teacher that teaches for the time off in the
summer that’s dedicated to teaching but without
heart fully behind it, their students suffer and
the cost is lack of education that could cost them
for the rest of their lives.
Dedication can be good and bad. Lots of people
in relationships devote their entire lives or large
portions of their lives to each other only to have
it end in ruin or disaster, or worse yet, they
wonder on their death bed as to whether or not
they did it all wrong.
How would that feel? You spend 70 years of your
life dedicated to someone only to wish you could
have it all back so you could do life over again,
but you can’t, because you only live once.
Your shot is hear and now. Don’t just become
complacent and accept things as they are, get
heart and dedicate yourself to something you
believe in, something you want, something
you’re passionate about.
Definition: To do, make, or perform again
Synonyms: recite, repeat
What does it mean?
Now that you’e got the heart and you’re
dedicated, you need to repeat what you do. Not
just once, not just twice, but over, and over, and
over again.
You can’t become a pro basketball player just by
having the heart and being dedicated. Eventually
you’ll have to get out there and practice your
shots. You’ll have to train, you’ll have to do
things again and again, eventually you’ll know
how to do those things and even become good at
They say practice makes perfect. Now I don’t
know what the hell perfect has to do with
anything, but practice is a necessary component
in becoming good at anything.
Definition: To continue steadfastly or firmly in
some state, purpose, course of action, or the
like, especially in spite of opposition
Synonyms: Endure, persevere
What does it mean?
Even in the face of opposition, critiques, or
ridicule, you must go on. So you’re hearts into
something, you’ve got dedication, and you’re
doing it repetitively. Yes, when you first start
out doing something, chances are you aren’t
going to be that good.
If I gave someone a basketball who’s never had
one before and tried to show them how to play,
they might look awkward. People may make fun
of them. Some might tell them to give up before
even trying.
Enduring these stages of anything you are
attempting to do is critical. You can’t let anyone
or anything stop you, no matter what.
Definition: Sure of oneself; having no
uncertainty about one’s own abilities,
correctness, successfulness
Synonyms: Certain, positive
What does it mean?
No matter what is going on around you, you
believe in yourself, in your team, or in others.
You know that you can accomplish anything.
What makes it easier to become confident?
That’s right, having the first four things under
your belt.
If your passionate, dedicated, practicing, and
being persistent, then chances are, you’ll have
confidence in what you’re doing. Stack those
attributes together.
1. You’ve got ambition: it’s something you
want to do.
2. You’ve got dedication: you’ve committed to
doing it.
3. You’ve got repetition: you know exactly what
to do because of practice
4. You’ve got persistence: no matter who says
what, your’e going to do it
5. And now you’ve got confidence: no matter
what happens you believe in yourself and
know you can be the best at whatever you’re
Think anything can stop you from being good at
whatever it is you’re trying to do?
Absolutely not!
An Experience From Me:
Throughout my time in school I was always
good, rather told I was good, at things like Math
and Science. One area I just never seemed to
become good at or do with any proficiency was
english. Even to this day, if you asked me to
explain to you what a verb, noun, or adjective
was; I’d have to google it. I don’t even care what
they are really, I write to sound.
Some people can play music by ear instead of
reading sheet music, while that’s precisely how I
write, by ear.
In high school from 7th to 11th grade, I passed 1
semester of an english class with a D- (thanks Mr
Blair) and I failed everything else. My heart
wasn’t in any of those classes and I simply
didn’t care, without natural talent in that area, it
was hopeless for me to pass any of those classes.
However, I always have wanted to write. It is my
greatest passion and still is to be a writer. I love
writing. I’ve always written a little bit, but about
6-7 years ago I started writing a lot and never
looked back. At first writing 400 words was a
major task and required a lot of thought process.
I didn’t feel good about anything I was writing,
but I did it any ways.
If I was asked to write a technical manual for
something, I would say I’ve never done one
before, but I’m going to do it anyways.
How about a legal document for court? Never
done one of those either, but now I have.
Can you write a strategy guide? Never done that
before, but I have done this as well.
How about a short story? How about a book?
How about a self-help how to guide?
Same answer. I’ve never done anything like it
before but I don’t care what it is, I’m going to
write it. I’m not only going to write it, I’m going
to write it good, and it’s going to be good. Does
it mean others will think it’s good? I don’t know,
but I don’t really care. I’m still going to make it
happen and do my best, and it’s going to be
good for me, which in the end means it’s good.
You see, I had the ambition that I was going to
become a writer. I had the dedication, I had the
repetition, I’ve written so many of the same
things over and over again. I’ve had the
perseverance (didn’t care what anyone thought,
and still don’t, I write for myself), and I have so
much confidence that I’m unbreakable.
So where am I today?
Today, I’m a full time writer, earning a pretty
good income off of my work (odd for not passing
any english classes right?). Whether or not you
like what I have to say or think I’m a good
writer, doesn’t really matter. I’m doing it and
I’m doing it well enough for me to call it a
I’ve exceeded my wildest dreams and
expectations and I don’t plan on stopping. The
reason I wrote this article is so that you would
have some insight as to how I did it. I hope that
some of you will be inspired to tackle your
dreams, do what you want to do, and be what
you want to be.
Life is too short and you only live once. And if
you believe in reincarnation, good for you, get
everything you can in this life and when you
come back do it all over again.
Never give up on your dreams!