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Friday, 2 September 2016

How much sex is enough

Scientists know for sure how much sex is

Men and women struggle with the question: how much
sex is too much or too little? What is enough and
what is normal? Let’s get some clear answered based
on your age.
Age is the key component to taking into the account
when considering physical intimacy and its frequency.
So, how much sex is enough?
Kinsey Institute’s scientists have conducted a study
and broken down people into the age groups. What
they found out is amazing. Those ranging from 18 to
29 years of age in average should have 112 times per
year. Roughly this is once in three days.
People in their 30ss (30-39) in average have sex 86
times per year, which is once in 4 days. People in
their 40ss get busy only 69 times per year in average.
13 percents of all the married couples have sex only
several times per year. 45 percent get it several times
per months. Only 34 percent of all the couples have
sex 2-3 times per week, and just 7 percent get busy
more than 4 times a week.
These numbers are surprisingly low. It turns out that
all that sex talk and obsession have not impacted the
reality. What happens and why people enjoy intimacy
so rarely?
Well, in many cases men feel like women do not care.
Ladies may be breastfeeding, having postpartum
depression. They get pregnant and carry babies. Or
they get overloaded with the housework, kids,
careers, etc.
Women feel that men become less responsive to them
in bed. Couples get used to each other and being so
busy with things they rarely find time to sit down and
just talk. When there is no closeness of spirit and
heart, sex is doomed to die out.
At this, most people think it’s great to have sex at
least several times a week or at least once a week.
And the good news is that you can do things to
change that. Make your marriage a priority. Invest your
time and energy into your relationship and your
passion can rekindle.

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