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Sunday, 4 September 2016

How to stop masturbation

You can overcome your masturbation
problem with these tips

Masturbation can quickly turn into a dangerous habit.
It can even become an addiction and ruin your life.
How do you stop it? Let’s get some practical tips on
becoming free.
Do only men masturbate?
For some reason, women are viewed as less sexual
beings than men. That’s not true. They have human
bodies with passions and desires, too. However, many
ladies are even more ashamed to acknowledge the fact
they masturbate, because it is so “unladylike”. But,
yes, women also do it!
Who are these people?
You may be an excellent person with high morals. You
have a good education and profession; you may even
attend the church or be in the ministry. And you are
ashamed to admit: you cannot stop masturbating. You
not alone!
Those who do it are not only some immoral jerks,
drunkards or sinners. Most people have done it a few
times in their lives. Even pastors and ministers do it!
And the better person you are, the harder it gets for
you to ask for help!
How does it start?
At times our friends get us into it. They offer you to
watch a porn movie or get online and visit some “hot”
website. You get fun and barely notice how the
onetime thing turns into a habit and a habit transforms
into an addiction.
There are some men out there who spend hours online
watch porn and masturbating up to 20 times a day!
They really cannot stop it. They have completely lost
control over the thing.
How do they feel about it?
Some of them refuse to admit the addiction. It works
the same way any addiction does. Those who drink or
do drugs often fail to recognize the problem. The
same things happen with masturbation. Others crave
to get help but are too ashamed to confront their
problem openly.
They feel helpless and lonely. They cannot approach
their family members or pastors to ask for help. Some
of these people are ministers, and they have no one
to help them without judging them. They get
What can masturbation addiction do to you?
It can ruin your walk with God. It can destroy your
family, too. You see, you have a secret. You start
having a secret life and cannot share it with your
spouse. And many men become unable to perform in
bed with the real women. They need porn to get the
erection. So, it kills you the natural ability for sex.
How to stop the addiction to porn and masturbation:
1. Find help
Get online and find a community where people with
the similar problems get help. Meet a counselor or
talk to the minister.
2. Block the porn sites
There are programs you can use to do that. Deny
yourself access to such sites.
3. Avoid solitude
It’s hard to withstand the temptation if you stay alone
much. Get out, be with your family, spend time with
kids or friends.
4. Get a new hobby
Get a new interest in life. Learn something new. Join
some group or start learning a new language or
5. Do workouts
Physical exercises help you to get refocused and shift
your attention from sex and masturbation to
something else.
6. Talk to your spouse
It’s best to do it with the counselor. Open up and
share your problem. Explain why you had recent
troubles in sex with your wife or husband. Ask them
to help you.
7. Be accountable
Get a support group or a friend and promise to tell
them the truth. Become accountable to someone and
be honest with them no matter what.
8. Pray
Set up special prayer time and ask God to get your
body under control.
Remember you are not alone in this problem and you
can beat it. God and other people can help you
overcome the addiction.

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