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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Man with no face

That’s how the man with no face looks
like one year after full face transplant

Patrick Hardison, the so-called man with no face, got
serious burns in 2001 while being on duty and trying
to save a woman from a burning trailer. After the
incident, the firefighter almost lost his eyesight, and
his face turned into a plain, pale mask. Over the past
14 years, he underwent 71 surgeries in order to
remove or hide the injuries caused by fire, but none
was a success.
All these years, Patrick lived with a disfigured face,
with all the consequences that come with it. It is hard
to imagine what he went through. Finally, in 2015, he
got face transplant using tissues of a young man who
died in a motorcycle crash. The mother of the dead
guy agreed to the transplant, and his face parameters
fitted perfectly. However, it took them a year to shape
Patrick’s new look, but eventually, the man managed
to return to a normal life.
That’s how Patrick looked before transplant
And this is his new face
That’s what Patrick says: “This operation returned me
my life. A few days ago, me and my family went at
Disneyland, and I swam in the pool with my children.
And I hadn’t done it for 15 years! Now I feel like a
normal person with a family. I can take my children to
This is the first time in the history of medicine, when
the man ‘s got so much facial tissue transplanted,
although partial transplants are carried out on a
regular basis.
Now, Patrick plans to help other firefighters injured
while trying to save people. Once, he was desperate to
have a new face, but now that the operation was
successful, he’s finally back to normal life and even
can restore his driver’s license. His car is what he
truly missed.

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