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Sunday, 3 July 2016

How to get over 1million likes on your facebook page

50 Great Ways To Get More Facebook
Page Likes
by Garin in Facebook Marketing, Facebook Tips
There are well over forty-two million active Facebook
pages so if you want your page to stand out from the
crowd you will need to grow your audience and get
more Facebook page likes .
Facebook is constantly evolving and that means there
are more reasons to like Facebook Pages than ever.
In this article I go deep into many different ways that
you get more Facebook page likes. Enjoy!
Here are 50 Great Ways To Get More Facebook
Page Likes:
1. Invite Your Email Contacts
Facebook used to have a build audience feature that
enabled you to send up to 5,000 invitations at a time
to your email contacts.
Unfortunately in 2015 this feature was removed,
probably as an effort to get more people to buy
Facebook page like ads.
The good news
is you can still
use email to
generate new
fans without
breaking the
You can
send your own
invitations to
your email
contacts using a
regular email
service like
Keep in mind
that Gmail has a
sending limit of
99 recipients per
email and 2,000
emails per day
(which is why I prefer to use the email marketing
service Aweber ).
Use the BCC feature to include the emails of many
contacts at once and this will prevent their emails
from being shared with other people copied on the
A quick message and a link work best.
Here’s the message I used to tell my email contacts
about my page Marketing Strategy HQ.
Hey there,
Garin Kilpatrick here.
I’m emailing you to let you know about a new
Facebook page I just launched for my blog
Marketing Strategy HQ.
This is where I’ll be sharing my best tips to help
you get more traffic, leads, and sales.
I’d really appreciate it if you like my new page
and if you do you will get my best content first.
Here’s the link:
Thank you,
The email above helped me net hundreds of new
Facebook likes so I’m confident that writing
something similar could work for you too.
Here’s a Video I Made About How To Get More
Facebook Likes Fast
Keep in mind that the build audience tool has been
removed from Facebook pages so I recommending
starting the video 52 seconds in at Facebook likes
getting strategy #2.
2. Invite Your Friends to Become Your
This tip might seem overly simple but it’s often
To invite friends to like your Page:
1. Click on your Page’s cover photo
2. Select Invite Friends
3. Click the lists on the left or type a name in the
search box to find friends
4. Click the names of the friends you want to invite
5. Click Send Invites
A more effective way than using the invite feature is
to send a personalized message directly to your
friends who are the most likely to join.
Send short messages asking your friends to join you
in your professional page and give them an idea of
what kind of content they should expect.
Taking a few quick minutes to send personalized
inbox messages asking people to join your page will
get more friends to join and pay attention to what
you are doing with your page.
3. Give Away
Great Stuff to
Facebook Page
Give your fans great
content and prizes
and this will get your
fans posting about
your page so that they
are in the top of your mind when it comes time to
dish out the goods.
Create a custom experience by asking your fans what
kind of content and prizes they would like the most.
Really care about your fans and find ways to go
above and beyond with the content and promotions
you launch on your page. When you go the extra
mile for your fans they will go the extra mile to help
you grow your page and succeed.
4. Link to Your Page In Your About
Section as a Place of Employment
Your Facebook profile page is highly visible so use
this to your advantage by including a link to your
page right below your profile picture.
Here’s what your link will look like when you set
this up:
You can list multiple links in this section but I
recommend featuring just one as this way there will
be a clear call to action.
To set this go to your about section and click the edit
button in the top right and select “Update Info.”
From here you can enter the name of your page,
select your page, and enter your page info. Once this
is complete and you select “done editing” a link to
your page will display on your profile.
Note: If your page is new and you do not have many
fans you may not be able to set this link up. Once
your page is established and has an established fan
base it will show up and you should be able to create
this direct link to your page.
5. Offer an Incentive for People to Like
Your Page
The more valuable your incentive is, the more people
will be compelled to click the “Like” button after
they access it.
An eBook or eCourse are two types of incentives that
are excellent for attracting new fans.
eCourses are arguably more effective since these are
delivered over time so they help create a relationship
between you and your fans. Compare this to an
eBook download, which some people will download
and may never read.
The image below shows different levels of increasing
effectiveness for acquiring new fans.
By creating a fan only “fan gate” (also known as a
“reveal tab”) you can create content that is available
to fans only to get more visitors to your page to click
the like button!
6. Use Facebook Page Cross Promotion
If you are the owner of multiple Facebook pages you
can interlink your pages by liking one page with the
other page, and vise versa.
I have liked all my other pages with the
fbAdvance page and this helps those pages get more
likes from the exposure they get near the top of my
fbAdvance Facebook page.
Here’s what it looks like:
Another way you can leverage this feature for growth
is to contact the admin of another Facebook page in
your niche and offer to cross promote their page.
Ask another page owner to do a “like for a like” and
many will jump at this opportunity for free
Another effective way to do a “share for a share”
cross promotion where you both post status updates
recommending each others pages.
7. Know Your Audience
The better you know your audience the easier it will
be for you to target your content and get great
Click the insights chart on your Facebook page admin
panel to access your demographics.
Sure to to access the insights for any
of the pages you manage.
By knowing the general age and gender of your fans
you can better target your content.
In addition to the age and gender of your fans
insights also let’s you know about the most popular
counties, cities, and languages of your fans.
With more successful content you’ll be able to attract
more free fans since you’ll get greater exposure in
the news feed.
8. Use Strong Calls To Action
If you don’t ask people to take action and like your
page many people simply won’t.
So don’t beat around the bush – come right out and
tell people to like your page.
Build links to your Facebook page everywhere and
include calls to action for people to join your
Facebook page in all of your marketing materials.
Of course the five tips above are just the tip of the
iceberg when if comes to building your Facebook fan
9. Get People to Join Your Page via
SMS Text Messages
Send a text message to 32665 (FBOOK) with the words
“fan yourusername” OR “like
yourusername” (without the quotes).
This feature is especially ideal when you’re in front
of a live audience.
10. Use Social Plugins like the
Facebook Page Plugin
The Facebook Page Plugin has gotten me thousands
of free fans for various pages I have developed over
the past several years.
This plugin works for me and I’m sure it can work
for you too, so long as the site you insert it into nets
a steady stream of traffic.
Installing this plugin into your site is easy: simply
copy and paste the code into a the sidebar of your
Getting people to visit your website and your Like
box is another challenge so here are 101 traffic tips I
wrote to help you get more people to your site.
11. Install a Page Badge Into Your Site
Facebook Badges are a simple, yet effective way to
link to your Facebook profile.
Unlike widgets badges are simply images, and will
load faster than a social plugin.
12. Use The Status @Tagging Feature
Status tagging is a cool and fairly new feature of
This feature will attract traffic to your page by
posting on the page of the brand or person you tag.
13. Post Epic Content
Content is king.
Posting awesome content is a great way to get your
page to spread virally.
Infographics are highly shareable and get great
Watermark your images to get traffic if your content
is shared outside of Facebook.
Link to your fan page in the description. Be the first
to share your content to a few relevant groups after
you post it.
People are more likely to share content after it has
already been shared, and every time someone shares
your content this includes a link back to your page
that could lead to new fans.
14. Buy Likes
An effective way to get more likes for your Facebook
page fast is to buy them .
The service that we recommend if you want to buy
likes for your page is Spike My Likes .
15. Connect Your Facebook Page With
Connecting your page to Twitter is an excellent way
to convert your twitter followers into Facebook fans.
Using this strategy will cause all of your posts to be
sent to twitter, with a link back to the Facebook
version of the post.
16. Get Fans to Upload and Tag Photos
If you host (or attend) an event with several of your
fans take a bunch of pictures, post them to your page
and then get your fans to tag themselves in the
If you can get your fans to upload pictures to your
page, or tag themselves in pictures you uploaded, this
will post to their walls as well and will lead to
additional traffic for you.
17. Make Sure Your Commenting
System is Compatible With Facebook
This will allow people to comment on your page,
even if they are not a fan.
Any comments made can broadcast to news feeds and
lead to more traffic for your page.
You can get the official Facebook commenting plugin
18. Leverage Traditional Media
Since Facebook is so widespread you can use any
forms of traditional media and achieve results.
Newspapers, Media Buys, Radio, and TV all work, but
are often less cost effective than innovative social
media strategies.
19. Do A Newsletter Promotion
If you do email marketing send a message to your
subscribers letting them know about your fan page
and consider including a link to your fan page in
every email.
Another promotion method is to purchase a “Solo
Ad” from a newsletter publisher. I have bought
successful solo ads in the past from internet
marketers on the webs largest internet marketing
forum, The Warrior Forum.
20. Leave Insightful Comments (as
your page) on Other Pages
This is a great way to get more exposure for your
Business Page with your target audience.
Go to the top right of the blue bar at the top of
Facebook and click the down facing arrow to select
the “voice” you want to use for your comment.
Participate on other Pages where your audience is
already having conversations.
Remember to add value to the conversation and
authentically build relationships.
Building meaningful connections and you will lay the
firm foundation of a successful community.
21. Get Promotional Business Cards
That Link To Your Facebook Page
Business cards are cheap & effective, that is why
nearly all business people use them to this day.
For the small investment that business cards you can
use them to net several hundred new fans for your
Vista print even offers 250 free business cards . All
you pay for those is shipping.
Throw a link to your Facebook Page on your card and
some people will certainly check it out.
If you’re pressed for space in your design all
Facebook page urls can be shortened from to
For example, and both point to the same
22. Use QR Codes
How many business cards do you give out? Make it
easy for the people you have connected with in
person to connect with your Page.
Creating a QR code is easy and free at sites like
Kaywa and QRStuff.
Use the link for your Facebook Page and you have
automatically created a QR code that you can add to
the back of your business card.
23. Blog Commenting
Leave insightful comments on blogs and in the
website section use a link to your fan page.
Strive to write helpful, detailed comments and these
will attract more attention and get more people
clicking through to your Facebook page to subscribe
for more.
24. Link to
Page From
LinkedIn gives
every user three
slots for links to
whatever you’d like right on your profile.
You can make the anchor text of these links whatever
you like, so I recommend using a call to action such
as: Join my Facebook page.
25. Upload Videos to Your Facebook
Facebook videos are very underrated, and can
provide a great way to drive traffic and Fans to your
page if your video content is compelling enough for
people to share it.
When you embed a Facebook video on another
website this video includes a watermark link in the
top left corner to the fan page it came from.
26. Create a Memorable Facebook
If you go to you will be able to
create a custom URL for your page.
Remember that your page username cannot be
changed once it is set, so choose wisely.
27. Attract Fans with Professional
Hiring a designer to help you get an awesome looking
logo or timeline cover will help you attract new fans.
I have found two excellent designers from the
website Fiverr and they both charge me just $5 per
Another option is to create the design yourself. I
design most of my own Timeline covers.
This is the Timeline cover I use for my Facebook
Make sure that your Timeline cover image does not
violate any of the Facebook Page Guidelines so that
Facebook will not have a reason to suspend your
The perfect Timeline cover size is: 851 x 350 pixels.
28. Deliver an Awesome Facebook
Page Experience
Do your best to deliver an awesome experience for
those who interact with your page by creating and
posting epic content.
The viral feedback this can send into many peoples
Facebook news feed will enable you to pull in many
new free fans for your page.
Go above and beyond when engaging with your
community and they will spread the word.
Don’t try just to get people to click “like” but instead
seek to create raving super fans who will share
content from your awesome Facebook page with their
29. Watermark Your Graphics &
To watermark images use an image editing program
like Photoshop or the free web image editing tool
For videos use a video editing program include a link
to your website.
I use Camtasia to record any screencast videos I
create and they have features that make adding a
graphic with a URL easy to do.
Camtasia comes with a free 30 day trial.
30. Get Your Customers to Like Your
Facebook Page
If someone likes you enough to buy your product
then there is a good chance that they will like you on
Facebook as well.
Rig up your “thank you” page with a Facebook “Like
Box” and you’ll be good to go!
31. Send Your Fans to Your Blog
Tell your fans to go check out your website when you
publish new blog posts.
If your blog promotes products or services this can
actually make you money when you post about new
blog posts on Facebook.
On my websites Facebook is consistently a top traffic
Google sends me visitors daily as long as my content
is ranking, whereas how much traffic Facebook sends
me is largely dependant on what I post.
Create high quality content and you will be creating a
win/win situation since epic content can both pull
traffic from Google, Facebook, and across several
other social media websites where your visitors
share your content!
Make sure your blog is equipped with Facebook Like
buttons and other social media buttons so your fans
can easily spread your content and bring you free
Facebook Insights
Facebook insights shows you how many fans you
accumulate over time, and how you got them.
Using this knowledge you can analyse and determine
which activities are driving the most growth for your
page and increase these outlets to amplify your
33. Mention Your Facebook Page
Word of mouth does not start itself.
Get the conversation going by mentioning your
Facebook page in blog posts and in every day
Did I mention that you should join my Social Media
Power Facebook page ?
34. Insert Multiple Like Buttons into
Shareable Content
Installing a like button into your posts will help drive
extra traffic to your posts and it will also show that
Facebook is an integral part of your brand.
If you have a self hosted WordPress blog I
recommend installing the WP FB Like plugin.
The more you can integrate Facebook with your site
the more likely people will be to join your Facebook
35. Space Out Your Facebook Page
By using Hootsuite to manage your Facebook pages
you can maximize engagement by scheduling your
posts ahead of time.
If you post 2 status updates a day for your page over
five days this will get you far better results than
posting 10 updates in one day.
Pages now have post scheduling build in so if you are
managing just one page at a time this is the best way
to schedule updates.
To schedule a post simply click the clock icon in the
bottom left of the post update section on your page.
(See image below)
36. Run a Facebook Contest or a “Fan
of The Month” Promotion
By highlighting one of your best fans every month
you indirectly encourage fans to engage more, so
that they can win the coveted fan of the month title
the next month.
Offer a monthly prize, such as a cool free product or
service related to your brand, and the competition
for this title will only increase.
37. Link to Your Facebook Fan Page
in Forum Signatures
If you are active in any forums you will have the
option to attach a “signature” to every post that you
Throw a link in your signature to your Facebook
page, and it will be clicked.
Do your best to add value and answer questions with
your posts, and people will be more inclined to click
your link and join your page.
A link with a call to action is more likely to get
clicked than a link alone, so go with “ Join my
Facebook Page:”
instead of simply: “ ”
38. Create a Short URL for Your
Facebook Page
Creating a redirect to your Facebook fan page is one
way to “presell” the people who click it on joining
your page.
Using the link shortening service you can
shorten any Facebook link into a shorter
For example, I used to shorten http:// into .
Do the same for your page and it makes it much
easier to share your page on Twitter and elsewhere
on the web. links also have built in analytics; if you
want to see how many clicks an link has
gotten simply add a + to the end of it.
39. Connect With More Friends on
The more friends you have, the better your chances
will be that some of these friends will join your fan
Facebook has a “ Find Your Friends Tool” that allows
you to import your contact list from a variety of
email clients, or an email list.
This tool also displays “People you may know” which
I have found is very good at suggesting people that I
know from other networks like Twitter.
40. Update Your Timeline Cover
Updating your timeline cover is a smart way to
attract attention to your page by being a very visible
piece of content in the news feed of the fans who see
Include a link in your description to your email
capture page and build your email list!
41. Give Away Fan Page Swag
If you gave away shirts (or mugs, or stickers) like the
one below with your Facebook url on it you will get
people walking around and promoting your Facebook
page for you everywhere they go!
42. Add Your Page to Page Directories
The two page directories that pack the most punch
from my point of view are the page finder and like
this fan page .
43. Use Promoted Posts
Once you hit 400 fans you will get the option to
“Promote” any of your posts.
Since your status updates typically only reach 18% of
your fans this can be a great way to extend your
reach via the friends of your fans.
Promotes posts are easy to execute, simply scroll to
the bottom right of any post, select “Promote” and
choose the amount you want to spend to promote.
As you can see from this recent Promoted Post I did,
I got great results.
Despite only having about 600 fans in my new Social
Media Power Facebook page at the time I was able to
reach over 5,000 people, get 29 likes, 7 shares, and
attract 11 new likes to the page.
44. Link to Your Page in Your Email
Every email you send is an opportunity to link to
your Facebook page.
Check out the email signature tool wisestamp for a
creative way to link to your social profiles.
45. Connect with Other Page
Don’t underestimate the value of cross promotion.
Even one cross-promotion a week will help you get a
stream of new “likes” with no investment on your
part required besides the time it takes to suggest the
opportunity to your cross promotion partner.
Note: This article has evolved into our epic new
guide 101 Ways to Get More Likes on Facebook .
46. Be Active on Your Facebook Page
If you have not posted on your page in weeks or
months the odds of someone who notices this liking
your page are slim.
The more active you are on your page the more
opportunities you give yourself to engage with your
audience and get more Facebook page likes.
I recommend checking in on your page at least once
a day and posting at least once as well.
47. Use Your Cover Photo to Get More
Facebook Page Likes
Design your cover photo in such a way that it really
catches the eye and highlights the “like” button.
48. Get More Facebook Page Likes With
Your Website
There are many different ways that you can use your
website or blog to get you more Facebook page likes.
Here are a few ideas:
Add a link to your Facebook page at the bottom
of every post
Create a graphic promoting your page and
feature it in the sidebar
Add a link to your Facebook page in your menu
Add the Facebook page plugin to your site
49. Publish Compelling Content That
People Want to Share
By creating content that people are compelled to
share you will drive more traffic to your site and
this will convert into more Facebook page likes for
Make sure you have Facebook share buttons enabled
to maximize your traction on Facebook. Social
sharing buttons for all major social sites is a good
idea as well.
The more links to your Facebook page your site has
the more new Facebook page likes you will get.
50. Put Someone In Charge of Your Page
By giving someone the responsibility of managing
your Facebook page you can rest assured that content
and engagement is actively managed so your page
can actively grow.
How do You Get More Facebook Page
Let us know your favorite tip and feel free to include
your Facebook page URL in your comment below.
Free Facebook Tips eBook
Grab a copy of our FREE Facebook eBook: 50
Powerful Facebook Tips.
This Facebook eBook will only be free for a limited

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